by Elizabeth Kissling | Mar 24, 2012 | Internet
It’s OK to celebrate your daughter’s first period, but menarche parties are just too much, according to recent posts at Jezebel and Babble. But BUST magazine is on board with period parties! Throwin’ sign: the photo at right of young women making the...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Mar 17, 2012 | Internet
The National Institutes of Health provides a tutorial about what to expect at your first mammogram. Holly Grigg-Spall and Laura Wershler have developed a comprehensive resource guide for women who are ready to give up the pill for good. Virginia Republican caucus...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Mar 3, 2012 | Internet
The “father of American gynecology” was an abusive one: In her Sunday Footnote last week, Melissa Harris-Perry talked about women’s bodies, and how Black women’s bodies were used against their will by James Marion Sims as he conducted...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Feb 25, 2012 | Internet
Second City responds to last week’s Congressional hearings on contraception, with all-female hearings on men’s health. Sociological Images discusses the packaging of the pill, using images from a gallery of pill package photos associated with the PBS...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Feb 18, 2012 | Internet
Dr. Jen Gunter explains what an unsafe abortion looks like. In 2012. Birth Control Costs More Than You Think—Even for the Lucky Ones The Crimson Campaign recently wrote about the relationship between Female Genital Cutting and menstruation. In last Saturday’s...