by Chris Bobel | Nov 26, 2012 | Activism, Communication, FemCare, Humor, Language
His mother told me she was in the shower and when she came out, there he was. “He kept pushing them through the applicator and saying, ‘A flower!’ and then trying to sniff them,” she explained (and the t-shirt, by the way, is just a wonderful coincidence). So why is...
by Alexandra Jacoby | Oct 30, 2012 | FemCare, Menstruation
A friend of mine is going camping soon, and getting her period then is the last thing she wants to think about! Camping and menstruation…That reminded me about the bears-being-attracted-to-menstrual-blood question, and, in case she didn’t know,** I let her know...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Oct 22, 2012 | Advertising, Disposable menstrual products, Internet
Guest Post by Chella Quint, Adventures in Menstruating When periods hit the news, and they do every now and again (no, not once a month – that’d actually be nice, and proof that it was a normal, neutral topic of conversation), my friends have me on speed dial. I’ve...
by David Linton | Aug 14, 2012 | Advertising, Menstruation, PMS
Saniya Ghanoui and David Linton How peculiar are the sexual politics of Cosmopolitan magazine?!?! We previously noted the editorial avoidance of menstrual sex, but let’s take a look at their most recent ride on the menstrual cycle. On one hand, Cosmo aspires to...
by David Linton | Jul 17, 2012 | Advertising, Disposable menstrual products, Internet
Having crafted a social media campaign to create brand consciousness and loyalty in young girls with its cartoon character, Kita, Kimberly-Clark’s ad agency in Israel, Smoyz, has come up with another campaign aimed at a somewhat older demographic. Once again...