by Elizabeth Kissling | Aug 10, 2011 | Activism, Advertising, Disposable menstrual products, FemCare, Internet, Menstruation
Editor’s note, August 10, 2011: Procter & Gamble has responded that this video was NOT produced or commissioned by them, and is in fact a spoof. While it is still offensive and worthy of criticism as such and your comments are welcome here, please do not...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Feb 22, 2011 | Advertising, Disposable menstrual products, magazines, Menstruation
It looks like Kotex is winning. Explicit comparison to the competitor’s product is an advertising strategy of 30-40 years ago. Under the new rules, the competitor’s product doesn’t even exist, and certainly isn’t deserving of mention in a...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Aug 16, 2010 | Advertising, Disposable menstrual products, FemCare, Media, Menstruation
Procter & Gamble femcare ads are such an easy target. It’s shooting fish in a barrel. Periods = lightning? Really? And the classic deictic euphemism, “it”, well, that just makes me tired. At least there’s no blue liquid....
by Elizabeth Kissling | Jun 8, 2010 | Advertising, Celebrities, Disposable menstrual products, Menstruation
Is it just me, or is Tampax’s “Outsmart Mother Nature” campaign wearing a little thin? These two ads, from the June, 2010, edition of a ladymag, seem lackluster. Visually, they’re just not easy to read. Serena burns a hole into Mother...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Apr 18, 2010 | Advertising, Disposable menstrual products, magazines, Menstruation
The latest magazine ad for Always pads (pictured at right) reads, “97% of women who tried Always Infinity said they’d recommend it to their friends.” Smaller print notes that these data are from a survey at — suggesting a...