by Heather Dillaway | Aug 24, 2012 | Media, Menopause, PMS
Everybody knows “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Or at least we teach our kids this saying. It turns out now “an apple a day keeps menopause woes away,” at least according to the Red Hot Mamas’ website, and some other recent news...
by David Linton | Aug 14, 2012 | Advertising, Menstruation, PMS
Saniya Ghanoui and David Linton How peculiar are the sexual politics of Cosmopolitan magazine?!?! We previously noted the editorial avoidance of menstrual sex, but let’s take a look at their most recent ride on the menstrual cycle. On one hand, Cosmo aspires to...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Jul 11, 2012 | Hormones, New Research, PMDD, PMS
Guest Post by Joan Chrisler, Connecticut College I have to admit that I have not been closely following the news about the forthcoming edition (5th) of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is expected to be published by the American...
by Paula Derry | Apr 2, 2012 | Language, Menstruation, New Research, PMS
I certainly believe that scientific research is important. Research uncovers new knowledge and prunes away facts that are not accurate. However, in our society, research is also a coinage to justify views of reality. A Biblical scholar might invoke a sentence from...
by Chris Hitchcock | Mar 13, 2012 | Menstruation, New Research, PMS
According to a recent study, women are best at picking out a picture with a snake during the days immediately before their period. You might think this would be a surprise, given the general idea of premenstrual compromise in women. Mind you, there isn’t much data to...