by Chris Bobel | Jan 20, 2014 | Advertising, Communication, Girls, Media, Menarche, Menstruation, Motherhood
This fall, our family TV indulgence was Master Chef Junior. My 10 year old, a master of scrambled eggs, pancakes and experimental smoothies, was into it, her enthusiasm contagious. So once a week, we sat on the couch– Mom, Dad, and Kid—and watched a dwindling...
by Chris Bobel | Oct 28, 2013 | Anatomy, Communication, Film, Humor, Internet, Language, Men, Menstruation, Television
For me, that’s always the question. Gross is a decision. It is a judgment based on a set of values derived from a particular perspective. And because of this slipperiness, some things are more widely deemed GROSS that some other things. Readers of this blog are...
by David Linton | Jul 16, 2013 | Internet, Men, Menstruation
A couple of recent web site items capture a wide range of male responses to Close Encounters of the Menstrual Kind. First, consider a peculiar blog post by a man named David Barton Wallace who does music reviews, this time a piece titled, “Brazilian Girls go with the...
by Saniya Lee Ghanoui | Jul 10, 2013 | Humor, Internet, Men
Reddit, the social entertainment website, has a section called “Reddit WTF?!” where users can post images or links that fit the category of “What the fuck?” Under the title of “Who Wants a Shot!?” one user posted an image of a package of five “flasks” that are in the...
by Chris Bobel | Mar 18, 2013 | Advertising, Birth Control, Communication, Film, Girls, Health Care, Humor, Independent Film, Internet, Language, Media, Pharmaceutical, Pregnancy, Reproduction
Seen this one yet? (or the (eerily) related “Birth Control on the Bottom“?) We posted “Sassy Girlz Candy Birth Control Pills” (written by Carissa Leone in 2011) in our regular installment Weekend Links on Feb 2. I had a mixed reaction. And when a...