by Elizabeth Kissling | Mar 27, 2011 | Internet
It’s been a couple of weeks since we did this, so some of these recommendations are lacking freshness. They’re still good, though. New research indicates that chronic endometriosis is a factor in recurring miscarriage. In the alphabet of feminism, U is for...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Feb 26, 2011 | Internet
Snow on the ground and subzero temperatures this week, so I’m doing nothing but reading: I’ll Show You Mine: Wrenna Robertson responds to the increasing popularity of labiaplasty with a new book featuring close-up, color photographs of women’s vulvas...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Feb 13, 2011 | Internet
The FDA has approved a new 3-D imaging system for mammography. Between 60% and 70% of tonsil cancers are due to HPV. The virus is also linked to tongue and other oral cancers, and some experts are speculating that an increase in these head and neck cancers among...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Jan 23, 2011 | Internet
Will contraceptive coverage be included as part of preventive health care under the Affordable Coverage Act? A study explores the benefits of using humor to improve chances of conception with in-vitro fertilization. Feministe presents the nice pregnant lady’s...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Jan 16, 2011 | Internet
Think Exist Productions is seeking financial support to complete “One More Girl“, a documentary film about side effects and adverse reactions to the Gardasil HPV vaccine (which was marketed with the slogan “One Less”). Not your mother’s...