by Saniya Lee Ghanoui | Aug 12, 2014 | Activism, Art, Media
Guest Post by Jenny Lapekas I’ve noticed for quite some time now that on social media sites, along with news articles that allow readers to comment, users attack menstrual artwork, claiming it’s disgusting and meaningless, and certainly not feminist. No surprise...
by Saniya Lee Ghanoui | Jul 22, 2014 | Activism, Birth Control, FemCare, Health Care
Guest Post by Jennifer Aldoretta In my line of work, I talk and write a lot about the female reproductive system. It’s no secret…I’m pretty vag-savvy. I don’t randomly walk up to strangers and start talking lady parts, but I certainly don’t hesitate to share...
by Saniya Lee Ghanoui | Jul 16, 2014 | Activism, Art, Media, Menstruation
Guest Post by Jen Lewis “Widening the Cycle: A Menstrual Art Exhibit” Menstrual Health And Reproductive Justice: Human Rights Across The Lifespan Submission Deadline: November 1, 2014 11:59PM (MST) Exhibit Dates: June 4-6, 2015 Event Co-Sponsors, the...
by Saniya Lee Ghanoui | Jul 4, 2014 | Activism, Art, Media, Menstruation
Guest Post by Jen Lewis Beauty in Blood Presents Ms. July: Twists & Turns Cycle: July 2013 Menstrual Designer: Jen Lewis Photographer: Rob Lewis ...
by Chris Bobel | Jun 16, 2014 | Activism, Anatomy, Birth Control, Books, Celebrities, Coming off the pill, Communication, DIY, FemCare, Fertility, Girls, Health Care, History, Hormones, Humor, Language, Law/Legal, Media, Men, Menarche, Menopause, Menstruation, Meta, Motherhood, New Research, Objects, Ovulation, Pharmaceutical, Philosophy, PMS, Politics, Pregnancy, Religion/Spirituality, Reproduction, Sex, Sports, Theater, Toxic Shock Syndrome