by Elizabeth Kissling | Mar 2, 2010 | Celebrities, Communication, FemCare, Television
In the grand tradition of Ms. magazine, we present the latest installment of SNL’s “Classic ESPN Women’s Sports Tournament” with NO COMMENT. (OK, if you really want to know what we think, see our previous posts about this misogynist series....
by Elizabeth Kissling | Mar 2, 2010 | Health Care, New Research
Although it pains me to see how low the threshold is for defining “older women” in this research, I am glad to see that the findings of this longitudinal study confirm that the HPV vaccine is of little to no benefit to older women. The study was published...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Mar 1, 2010 | Health Care, Menopause, Menstruation, New Research, Sex
POZ magazine and claim to be the leading publication and website in the U.S. about HIV/AIDS. The March 2010 issue has a great article by Suzanne Bopp about menstruation, menopause, and HIV. As with medical and cultural knowledge about HIV itself, understanding...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Feb 28, 2010 | Internet, Media, Menstruation, Objects
Readers who have been with us for a while may recall meeting the Period Fairy last fall. She was greeted with mixed reactions at re:Cycling, but she’s back, now with swag! Fans of the Period Fairy can now order t-shirts and coffee mugs with her likeness and...
by Elizabeth Kissling | Feb 27, 2010 | Activism, DIY, Humor, Internet, Menstruation, zine
Introducing Leak Chic. Chella Quint celebrates Fashion Week, recently ended in London and New York, with clot couture. StainsTM. A removable stain to wear on your own clothing as you see fit. A fashion statement that really says something, and that something is,...