The IUD Makes a Comeback?

The IUD Makes a Comeback?

In our pill popping economy, the go-to option for long term birth control has, since the late 1970’s,  been the pill. In the 1970’s the copper IUD (Intrauterine Device) fell out of favor after recalls, cases of infection and cases of sterilization....

For Now, Your Genes Belong to You

Guest Post by Barbara A. Brenner Executive Director, Breast Cancer Action One of the saddest aspects of capitalism is that companies think they can and should own anything they get their hands on. Some time ago, they started obtaining patents on human genes, including...
Your Imprint Here

Your Imprint Here

This catalog showed up in my office mailbox today. Do I need to say any more than Think Before You Pink? In other breast cancer news, Rachel at Our Bodies, Our Blog has a good summary (with lots of links) of the recently announced federal court decision to invalidate...
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