by Editor | Jul 9, 2015 | Art, Literature, Religion/Spirituality, SMCR2015
On June 6th, 2015, at the 21st Biennial Conference of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research at the Centre for Women’s Health and Human Rights in Boston, conference participants celebrated with an Open Mic evening of Menstrual Poetry to close out #SMCR2015. This is...
by Editor | May 19, 2015 | Art, Film, Menstruation, Religion/Spirituality, Television
Four presenters discuss Menstrual Representations on Friday, June 5th at the 21st Biennial Conference of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research at The Center for Women’s Health and Human Rights, June 4-6, 2015, Suffolk University, Boston. 1) Menstrual Mystery:...
by Editor | May 11, 2015 | History, Law/Legal, Menarche, Menstruation, Religion/Spirituality
Three papers will explore the theme Religion and Reproductive Rights and Traditions on June 4th at 21st Biennial Conference of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research at The Center for Women’s Health and Human Rights, June 4-6, 2015, Suffolk University, Boston Tour a...
by Chris Bobel | Jun 16, 2014 | Activism, Anatomy, Birth Control, Books, Celebrities, Coming off the pill, Communication, DIY, FemCare, Fertility, Girls, Health Care, History, Hormones, Humor, Language, Law/Legal, Media, Men, Menarche, Menopause, Menstruation, Meta, Motherhood, New Research, Objects, Ovulation, Pharmaceutical, Philosophy, PMS, Politics, Pregnancy, Religion/Spirituality, Reproduction, Sex, Sports, Theater, Toxic Shock Syndrome
by Ashley Ross | May 31, 2013 | Language, Menopause, Perimenopause, Philosophy, Religion/Spirituality
The Change. This name for peri/menopause has appeared in many cultures and has been passed down through the eons, generation to generation. I, myself, really like calling it The Change, as it describes the awe and magnitude of peri/menopause. The Change honors the...
by Chris Bobel | Mar 19, 2012 | Activism, Film, Independent Film, Media, Menstruation, Religion/Spirituality
What would the world be like if young women were mentored by older women? What would the world be like if we knew we had a place for our stories to be told? So intones the voiceover at the start of the trailer of a forthcoming film. And it is right on time. The recent...