Menstrual “Outing,” Menstrual Panics

Menstrual “Outing,” Menstrual Panics

Last fall, as a women and gender studies professor, I taught a course called “Psychology of Gender” where I decided to include an experiential activist assignment that asked students to form groups and engage in some sort of menstrual activism. The instructions asked...
#periodtalk: Let’s keep talking about menstruation

#periodtalk: Let’s keep talking about menstruation

Bloggers at re:Cycling often challenge and invite readers to open up and talk about our menstrual experiences. In a September post, Heather Dillaway asked : “Why don’t we talk about the important variations in our menstrual cycles?” In another, she wrote about the...
The Smithsonian Menstrual Archive

The Smithsonian Menstrual Archive

Down the Washington Mall from the popular National Air and Space Museum and the National Gallery of Art lies the sprawling National Museum of American History with its fascinating collections of the history of American material culture: early plows, bicycles, mail...
How to menstruate while camping?

How to menstruate while camping?

A friend of mine is going camping soon, and getting her period then is the last thing she wants to think about! Camping and menstruation…That reminded me about the bears-being-attracted-to-menstrual-blood question, and, in case she didn’t know,** I let her know...
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