Fear of Childbirth, Gaining Weight While Pregnant, Period-TV and other Weekend Links
Why are some women so afraid of childbirth? Kate Ryan at National Women's Health Network thinks that it might be partly because it is portrayed so negatively in entertainment media. After nearly disappearing in the 1970s, IUDs are becoming more popular in the U.S....
It’s My Period and I’ll Have a Party If I Want To
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Coming off Depo-Provera can be a woman’s worst nightmare
April 14, 2015 I wish to thank all the women who’ve shared their experiences with Depo-Provera in the three years since this blog post was published. Comments are now closed. You can find more information here: Stopping Depo-Provera: Why and what to do about adverse...
Understanding Research: Buyer Beware
I certainly believe that scientific research is important. Research uncovers new knowledge and prunes away facts that are not accurate. However, in our society, research is also a coinage to justify views of reality. A Biblical scholar might invoke a sentence from...
Menstrual Art, Quitting Depo-Provera, Moldy Tampons, and other Weekend Links
Remember this transphobic tampon ad from Libra that sparked worldwide protest back in January? The Advertising Standards Authority has ruled that Libra responded correctly by pulling the ad, and that the complaint is now settled. Bitch Media's regular feature on...
Fog Warning Ahead
As I embark on my 40th year I look ahead to menopause. I guess there is a good chance I’m approaching some foggy years. Brain fog, that is. In the past week a flurry of online news articles review new research findings on the “brain fog” that many perimenopausal women...