Weekend Links: The Uterus Is Not Magic, and Rape is Rape Edition
httpv://youtu.be/EVCHTXESGh8 Like everyone else, we've been overwhelmed this week (to say the least) with the news of Rep. Todd Akin (Missouri) and his belief in the mAgIc *~uTeRuS. Eve Ensler wrote an open letter to Rep. Akin: Dear Mr. Akin, I Want You to Imagine......
An Apple A Day . . .
Everybody knows "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Or at least we teach our kids this saying. It turns out now "an apple a day keeps menopause woes away," at least according to the Red Hot Mamas' website, and some other recent news posts. Apples (along with many...
In a fertility flap? Five things you need to know
Your fertility is not a deep, dark mystery only your doctor can unravel. It's yours to own, understand and manage. Forget the ticking biological clock, it's the wrong metaphor. Fertility ebbs and flows, like the phases of the moon. It's about the cycle - not the...
“Excited” to Reach Menopause? Really?
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUiTQvT0W_0 Big news this week: Sinead O'Connor announces she is excited to be reaching menopause and looks forward to her first hot flash. News stories in the Daily Mail and a celebrity gossip magazine called Female First characterize...
Cosmo’s Menstrual Politics
Saniya Ghanoui and David Linton How peculiar are the sexual politics of Cosmopolitan magazine?!?! We previously noted the editorial avoidance of menstrual sex, but let’s take a look at their most recent ride on the menstrual cycle. On one hand, Cosmo aspires to...
No Weekend Links?
That's right -- no weekend links today. I'm traveling this week and have limited internet access. Please peruse our archives in lieu of new links this week, and look forward to new weekend links later this month.