The menstrual “talk” revolution is in full swing
This fall, the plethora of menstrual-related news articles and social media trends is proving that we are well into what some may call a menstrual talk revolution. Menstrual discourse is no longer taking place in hushed tones behind closed doors. People are talking...

New poetry about the female body from Sharon Olds
Surely our most probing and productive poet, especially when it comes to the period and what was once coyly called “the pudenda,” is Sharon Olds. Her latest paeans to the parts of women occur in her 2016 collection simply titled, Odes. The book was recently reviewed...

SMCR Member Profile: Researching menstruation and menopause in the workplace
Lara Owen, HDR Candidate, Department of Management, Monash Business School, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Lara Owen has a background in Chinese medicine specializing in the treatment of women. Currently, she is researching menstruation in organizations and...

SMCR Member Profile: Studying reproductive transitions within sociocultural contexts
Heather Dillaway, PhD, Professor of Sociology and Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Wayne State University When and why did you join the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research? I joined in spring 2004 and attended my first SMCR conference in 2005...

The vagina as muse to technological innovation: SMCR Weekend Links
Menstrual and vaginal health has been no stranger to innovation, especially when it comes to technology. For years, technology has played a major role in the health, wellness and pleasure of female reproductive anatomy. Many of these innovations have made the lives...

MILITARY MENSES: “You don’t wanna mess with this”
Four soldiers blast menstrual myths surrounding women in the military Questions about women's "fitness" to engage in a vast array of activities as determined by their menstrual cycles have long been a hotly debated topic. Recently, as the US military...