Brief News Update: Screening for Cervical Cancer
England's Advisory Committee on Cervical Screening (ACCS) has developed new guidelines [pdf] for screening cervical cancer in young women who experience symptoms such as bleeding after sex or between periods, pain during sex or an unusual discharge. Screening for...
What do men know about birth control and periods?
Here's a hint: the title of the new study by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy is How Misperceptions, Magical Thinking, and Ambivalence Put Young Adults at Risk for Unplanned Pregnancy. The study [PDF] surveyed American singles ages 18–29...
New Technique for Management of Hot Flashes
The Indianapolis Star has a short interview today with Professor Janet S. Carpenter of Indiana University's School of Nursing. Dr. Carpenter is conducting a study of whether menopausal women can control hot flashes through breathing techniques. She told the Star:...
What’s Menstruation Got to Do with It?
Tina Turner didn't sing THOSE lyrics, but what if? Those that follow re:Cycling may recall-with a grin and a cringe--how Ingrid Berthon-Moine's portraits of women wearing their menstrual blood as lipstick sent many Guardian and Salon Broadsheet readers to the "icky"...
Vagina Vérité
Artist (and friend of re:Cycling) Alexandra Jacoby is working on a project for women called Vagina Vérité®. She's making vulva portraits, proud and unabashed, straight-up documentary photographs-so that we can see ourselves for ourselves. The project began as a...
It’s Still Not Funny
In the grand tradition of Ms. magazine, we present the latest installment of SNL's "Classic ESPN Women's Sports Tournament" with NO COMMENT. (OK, if you really want to know what we think, see our previous posts about this misogynist series. We're just too tired to say...