“They Don’t Spoil”
Like Sheldon says, you could save a lot of money if you buy tampons in bulk. Lots of women are probably wishing they'd bought o.b. tampons in bulk, now that they're going for $20 a box on ebay.
Menstrual Suppression for Military Women
One of the arguments for using hormonal contraception to suppress the menstrual cycle is that it mitigates the logistical challenges menstruation can present in high-stress occupations in harsh settings -- such as military service in a combat theatre. Given how ...
Weekend Links
Research from scholars at Bristol University suggests a link between depressive symptoms and early menarche. We're hoping to have a longer post about this research here soon, but for now, here's the press release about the study. It's well known that hormonal...
Menopause in the funny pages
Widely distributed U.S. comic strip "Zits" -- the ongoing story of the life and times of 16-year-old Jeremy Duncan -- began a storyline about menopause this week. Apparently, Jeremy's mom has begun experiencing signs of perimenopause. So far, it's not awful. The humor...
Menstrual Cups for African Girls
At re:Cycling, we're interested in all kinds of menstruation and women's health issues, all over the world. We have written several times about the need for menstrual pads for girls and women in developing nations, like the Kasissi Project Girls Program producing...
New “Protectasil” Vaccine
Brought to you by Smerck.