How much blood is too much?
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved tranexamic acid tablets as treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding more than a year ago, but you probably haven't seen much of this television commercial to promote the drug (brand name Lysteda). Matthew Arnold reports...
Weekend Links
Will contraceptive coverage be included as part of preventive health care under the Affordable Coverage Act? A study explores the benefits of using humor to improve chances of conception with in-vitro fertilization. Feministe presents the nice pregnant lady's guide to...
Vintage FemCare Advertising
In my visual communication class this week, I used several femcare ads (along with a couple of cell phone commercials and other images) to illustrate Althusser's concept of interpellation. My students got more of a lesson than they bargained for, as I ended up also...
In the LA Times earlier this month, under the banner 'oddities, musings and news from the health world,' came a rewritten press release masquerading as one of the above that stated ‘Birth control pills using 24-day regimen may be more effective.’ Firstly, just from...
Great New Article about How Boys and Men Learn about Menstruation
Since we're often talking about the lack of attention to men's attitudes about menstruation, I thought I'd post the abstract of a great new piece in the Journal of Family Issues, due out in February 2011! Kudos to Katherine Allen, Christine Kaestle, and Abbie...
Weekend Links
Think Exist Productions is seeking financial support to complete "One More Girl", a documentary film about side effects and adverse reactions to the Gardasil HPV vaccine (which was marketed with the slogan "One Less"). Not your mother's IUD: National Women's Health...