
Cycling for Cycling Change

Cycling for Cycling Change

Sarah Konner and Toni Craige are two impressive women. They are biking all the way down the west coast and living on $4/day while spreading the word of sustainable menstrual care. Menstrual activism in motion! Theirs is a great model of seeing a need and doing...

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Weekend Links

Weekend Links

It's not really about clitoral vs. vaginal orgasms: The Clitoris, the Vagina and Orgasm: Feelings and Frameworks. In a personal narrative at, blogger Jos explains what my Christian fundamentalist upbringing taught me about periods. Do not try this at...

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Links for a long weekend

Links for a long weekend

There were a couple of posts in the feminist blogosphere this week in defense of period sex. Apparently heterosexual men need to be reminded from time to time. This story about a nightmarish experience going off hormonal contraceptives has been making the rounds...

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