“Endo What?” documentary sets the record straight about endometriosis
The facts are eye-opening, the experts are compelling, but it is the voices of women talking about their lived experience with endometriosis that have the biggest impact in Endo What?, the documentary about the disease that premiered in New York City on March 16,...

My endometriosis story has a happy ending
Guest Post by Yael Magen, Esq. When I was diagnosed with endometriosis it wasn't the excruciating pain that bothered me or even my internal organs that were deteriorating, but rather, my biggest fear was that I would not get pregnant. I was always a career-oriented...

We all must learn about endometriosis because ignorance breeds insensitivity
"What I heard shocked me. How was such a thing possible? How had this happened to a friend without my awareness?" Guest Post by Suzan Hutchinson The first time I heard the word "endometriosis," I was at a loss as to what it was and stunned that I’d never heard of it...
An holistic approach to managing endometriosis
What I learned about endometriosis that helped me manage my condition Guest Post by Melissa Turner I remember the day I was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis. I was sitting in the doctor’s office, looking at my gynecologist and heard only words of limitation and...
Three facts about endometriosis: Lupron, surgery and adjunct treatments
"...there are fewer than 100 surgeons in North America who have been identified as doing effective surgery for endometriosis." Guest Post by Philippa Bridge-Cook, PhD Endometriosis has had more press attention in the last several weeks than it has had in years, thanks...

#Endometriosis art, film and a graphic book: Endo Weekend Links #3
"1 in 10 women suffer from a disease that most people have never heard of." Weekend Links at re:Cycling acknowledges the many ways in which the creative arts are taking on #endometriosisawareness advocacy. 1. Film: It was a big week for the producers...