- If buying condoms was like getting birth control pills . . .
- The 20th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI) meets in Paris, December 4-7, 2014. This year’s meeting will feature a workshop on the first successful live birth from a uterus transplant.
- According to a UK study by The Eve Appeal, an charity organization dedicated to raising money for research and treatment of gynecological cancers, only half of the women surveyed between the ages of 26-35 were able to correctly locate and label the female reproductive system on a diagram.
- The University of California at San Francisco is about to start a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) about abortion. The course, which involves more than 20 faculty members, is intended to help health providers in the United States and around the world with patient care and the public health aspects of abortion. You can take the course for free or for a certificate, but it starts Monday, October 13, so jump on it.
- Are any of my M.A.R.C. ladies reading re:Cycling? Here’s a great way to demonstrate that menstrual cups don’t leak.
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