- The New York Times style blog reports that the days of the “full Brazilian” may be numbered. In other words, we may be returning to the time “when a woman’s lady garden was as big as a New York slice of pizza”, as Amy Poehler phrased it.
- Nice summary of recent menstrual art, but it’s hardly a case of periods “taking pop culture by storm“.
- Are activists focusing on the wrong issue with contraceptives? Some say the fight should be one to make birth control pills available over-the-counter.
- Stop me if you’ve heard this one before . . . The male birth control pill is on the way. What’s the hold-up, you say? Apparently, dudes won’t take a pill with side effects.
- A first-person account of discovering and being treated for genital warts: It’s just the common cold in your hoo-hah.
- A new study from CeMCOR shows that silent ovulatory disturbances cause bone loss in young women who should be gaining bone or maintaining it.