- A high school biology teacher in Idaho is facing a possible reprimand because a few parents complained that he used the word vagina when teaching about the human reproductive system. This video is dedicated to those parents.
- A blog post about side effects of the Mirena IUD by Natural Urban Mama a year ago spawns a discussion thread of more than 200 comments.
- Flying across time zones can interfere with the regularity of your cycle. Jo MacDonald offers some tips for flying while cycling in this blog post.
- Thanks to PeriodWise for pointing us to this study that shows long-term health benefits and lower mortality risks of keeping your ovaries after hysterectomy. (Confession: I cannot hear the word oophorectomy, even in reading it silently to myself, without replaying in my brain that long-ago scene in Law & Order when the medical examiner played by the brilliant Leslie Hendrix tells Lenny Briscoe that the decedent had had an oophorectomy, and he asks, genuinely puzzled, if that meant she’d had her oofers removed. She fixed him with that patented glare of hers, and scene ended.)
- Most women in the U.S. have tried three or more methods of contraception, and 29% have tried five or more methods.
- Dr. Jen Gunter, everyone’s favorite internet vaginacologist, offers both relationship and gynecological advice about what to say when a partner wants you to remove your pubic hair.
- U.S. news program Dateline ran a long (for television) examination of hormone disruptors in household products this week, but no mention of hormonal birth control: Part 1 and Part 2 can be viewed on NBC web site.