- It’s OK to say vagina in TV sitcoms, but you still can’t say it in tampon ads!
- Like women who are pregnant, women who use synthetic progesterone birth control injections (such as Depo-Provera) are more vulnerable to certain infections including malaria, Listeria, HIV, and herpes simplex virus.
- How do porn stars avoid pregnancy? The same way other women do – and sometimes they face the same complications and frustrations with hormonal birth control.
- Period Wise Suzan on flowing without bleeding.
- The return of the disappearing diaphragm. But apparently only for women of the Global South. I can’t find any sign of FDA approval of the new SILCS one-size-fits-most diaphragm in the U.S.
- Carrie Murphy of Bitch Media critiques the smug self-satisfaction of the dude who wore a pregnancy suit for nine weeks to be a better father and experience more empathy for what his wife went through. The reader comments are pretty smart, too.