Running and your period.
- According to the ‘menstrual release’ web site, “menstrual release is a technique that allows you to relieve yourself of menses in a way that’s similar to emptying your bladder or your bowels – out of awareness to your body and its basic needs.”
- How generic drugs do and do not differ from name-brand drugs.
- Lesley Kinzel learns to stop worrying and love the pelvic exam.
- Boozing it up for boobies. They’ll slap a pink ribbon on anything these days.
Thank you for this post – I heard about ‘menstrual release’ a few years ago, a woman said she was taught how to do this by someone in California who was working on bringing about the method as a book or web site, so she couldn’t tell me much more about it. Although we were talking about it in context of free-bleeding; bleeding onto clothing, layering clothing as sanitary protection or instinctive bleeding (aka menstrual release).