- TLC is developing a new reality show about “extreme savers” and wants to talk with women who use cloth menstrual pads to save money. If you’re interested, GladRags has the casting call. This could be a great opportunity for menstrual education, or it could be a nightmare. Given that this is the network of Toddlers and Tiaras and Tattoo School, I know where I’m putting my money down.
- A new study from the Guttmacher Institute finds that a nationally representative group of 1,800 unmarried women and men between the ages of 18 and 29 apparently do not truly understand how proper use of contraception can prevent pregnancy:
- In a guest post at Sexy Period, Suzan Hutchinson, TSS survivor and Director of Connectivity for You ARE Loved, reminds us that while Toxic Shock Syndrome isn’t common, it still happens and the risks and symptoms aren’t well known. (I somehow missed this back in January when it first appeared.)
- Dr. Jen Gunter’s Gynecology Survival Guide for the Zombie Apocalypse is also useful in an an earthquake, snow storm, flood, or any other natural disaster.
- Friend of re:Cycling Amy Sedgwick (of Red Tent Sisters) is offering a free teleseminar on May 24 for women who are finding it difficult to conceive.
- There Will Be Blood. Vice magazine has published a series of fashion photos featuring menstruation. View as a slide show, or click here to see thumbnails of all seven photos, which you can click to enlarge.
The quiz asked respondents to choose “true” or “false” answers for basic statements such as “all IUDs are banned from use in the United States” or “condoms have an expiration date.” More than half of the men and a quarter of the women received either a D or F on the quiz.
Here is an article the HuffPost ran about the Vice series: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/emma-gray/menstruation-taboo-vice-there-will-be-blood-photos_b_1528826.html
Thanks, ST. The VICE photos have attracted a great deal of interest, judging from my RSS feed. I think in a few weeks, I’ll try do a follow up post about the responses.