- The National Institutes of Health provides a tutorial about what to expect at your first mammogram.
- Holly Grigg-Spall and Laura Wershler have developed a comprehensive resource guide for women who are ready to give up the pill for good.
Virginia Republican caucus chairman Ryan McDougle, who used to be busy working on legislation for things like personhood for zygotes and medically unnecessary ultrasounds, has been kept pretty busy lately deleting detailed vaginal health updates from his constituents from his Facebook pages and email inbox. The vagina owners of the Commonwealth of Virginia figured if he wanted to know all about their ladybusiness, they’d let him have it.
- The father of a severely disabled child called Ashley discusses the “The Ashley treatment” at The Guardian. The treatment is named after his daughter, who received high doses of estrogen to hasten puberty, a hysterectomy to avoid menstruation, and had her emerging breast buds removed to escape the discomfort of fully grown breasts.
- On yesterday’s broadcast (Friday, March 16), Rachel Maddow rounded up the latest in state laws and proposed legislation about reproductive health.