- Dr. Jen Gunter explains what an unsafe abortion looks like. In 2012.
- Birth Control Costs More Than You Think—Even for the Lucky Ones
- The Crimson Campaign recently wrote about the relationship between Female Genital Cutting and menstruation.
- In last Saturday’s op-ed pages, Nicholas Kristof explains that presidential hopeful Rick Santorum doesn’t know what he’s talking about:
A 2009 study looked at sexually active American women of modest means, ages 18 to 34, whose economic circumstances had deteriorated. Three-quarters said that they could not afford a baby then. Yet 30 percent had put off a gynecological or family-planning visit to save money. More horrifying, of those using the pill, one-quarter said that they economized by not taking it every day.
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One-third of women in another survey said they would switch birth control methods if not for the cost. Nearly half of those women were relying on condoms, and others on nothing more than withdrawal.
- Elite female football players (that’s soccer to U.S. readers) are at risk of long-term health problems from menstrual dysfunction, such as decreased bone density and osteoporosis, due to insufficient estrogen.
- What does using a Diva Cup smell like? Fertility. Fecundity. Promise. Power. And other reasons you should use a menstrual cup.
- Here’s how the U.S. Congress conducts a hearing on contraceptive access and women’s health care: without any women.
- ABC news reports that women’s chronic pain is mistreated and underdiagnosed, when it’s not outright dismissed; Tori explains why this is not news.