Some extra weekend reading for the dog days of summer. You were looking for a reason to stay inside, right?
- Lesley Kinzel wrote fondly about L7’s infamous tampon-tossing incident for xo.
- Blogger Kat at Tits and Sass reports on an actual Vagina Beauty Pageant.
- Another writer at xo, using the pseudonym MC Housework, tries the Summer’s Eve cleansing wash for a week on her vulva (or as the company refers to it, her external vaginal area, “V” for short). In addition to developing a yeast infection, she discovers “No one at the busy used bookstore seems impressed that I have both cleansed and washed with a Cleansing Wash. I now smell like either the cosmic Overpussy or a retired florist from Houston. Crowds do not part for me. Men do not behold me and joust.”
- Doing the math: how many pads and tampons does one woman use in a lifetime? And what does it cost?
- It’s not just birth control: Other preventive services for women to be covered under the Affordable Care Act include gestational diabetes screening; breastfeeding supplies, support, and counseling; domestic violence screening; and more.