- The National Women’s Law Center issued the 2010 national and state-by-state report card on women’s health, evaluating criteria such as percentage of women with health insurance, access to abortion providers, causes of death, frequency of annual mammograms and pap smears, and many more. As a nation, the U.S. meets just three benchmarks: the percentage of women getting mammograms regularly, the percentage of women visiting the dentist annually, and the percentage of women getting screened for colorectal cancer. FAIL.
- As U.S. readers know, Elizabeth Edwards died of breast cancer this week, at ageĀ 61. Amanda Hess takes on the body shaming she experienced from the press, in life and in death.
- More on new TSA (Transportation Security Administration) screening procedures and gender: Judith Levine explains why she’d rather be gazed at than groped.
- Congratulations to everyone at LunaPads on ten years of eco positive periods!
- Tips on avoiding shark attacks: “until controlled tests involving non-menstruating and menstruating women occur, there is no definitive or scientifically proven data that states women are at more risk of shark attack during menstruation.”