But only when you’re clean and fresh “down there”. Apparently women’s natural, in-born courage is best nurtured with scented moist towelettes.
I can’t decide what’s more offensive – the content of this ad, or the fact that someone got paid to write it.
[via Copyranter]
Yuck! Douching has proven to be unnecessary and even unhealthy. So now what? Moist towelettes? I wonder who the heck comes up with these ads? 20 something hotshot males? The content and the writer should be smothered in Eve towelettes.
Gag! Courage is very flattering on a woman, as long as you can’t smell it.
Oh for God’s sake! What kind of idiot’s do they take us for? AND, who’s paying these people to come up with these ads?
Honestly, it just doesn’t even make any sense!
Also note the implication of shaming women who dare to *not* clean their ladybits on an hourly basis: “if you don’t use our product, you won’t have courage, and will/should probably be ashamed and/or scared, because your vagina will smell bad.”
Folks, don’t you get it? The Summer’s Eve cleansing cloths are infused with liquid courage. Individually wrapped, SHEER FLORAL LIQUID COURAGE.
I do not know how my cowardly vulva survived this long without them.
[ / sarcasm]
Tori, wouldn’t “My Cowardly Vulva” make a great name for a band? Maybe for a zine?
Or perhaps not.