by David Linton | Dec 10, 2015 | Law/Legal, Media, Men, Newspapers
Much has been made of Donald Trump’s snarky remark about how the journalist Megan Kelly spoke to him at the Republican candidates’ debate on Aug. 6, 2015. And the news is dominated by stories about how social media are reshaping every aspect of our lives,...
by David Linton | Sep 12, 2014 | Internet, Men, Menstruation, PMS
re-blogging re:Cycling In celebration of our fifth anniversary, we are republishing some of our favorite posts. This post by David Linton originally appeared October 8, 2009. A lot of ideas get hatched in a bar over drinks with friends. Most don’t make it past the...
by David Linton | Sep 9, 2014 | Humor, Media, Menstruation, Television
Every night Jon Stewart closes his DAILY SHOW with the sentence, “And now, your moment of Zen,” which is usually followed by a clip of some cable news program in which people say dopey or inane remarks. The purpose is to remind viewers of just how much...
by Breanne Fahs | Aug 19, 2014 | Activism, Media, Menstruation
On June 7, we posted a video of slam poet Dominique Christina performing a poem combating men’s shaming of women and their menstrual cycles. In the “Period Poem,” which she dedicated to her daughter, Christina encourages women who are confronted by men’s negativity...
by Breanne Fahs | Apr 18, 2014 | Activism, Books, Menstruation
In the past few weeks, I’ve been reflecting quite a lot about feminist rage, in part because I recently participated in a panel at New York University about feminist rage with philosopher Avital Ronell, American Studies scholar Lisa Duggan, and performance artist...