An Autonomous Kingdom of Women

That’s how Varda Polak-Sahm, writing in today’s Washington Post, describes her visit to the Mikveh in preparation for her second wedding. The Mikveh is the ritual purification bath Halakha, the Jewish law, requires of women after each menstrual cycle and...

Blood on Screen: Menstrual Movies

Despite the shame of menstruation, feminist media makers have often turned to the cycle for inspiration. At the 2009 Spokane Society for Menstrual Cycle Research Conference, I curated a screening of short films on the menstrual cycle. Over the next few weeks I will...

What It Feels Like for a Girl

Nearly 20(!) years ago, I conducted research for my doctoral dissertation about how and what girls learn about menstruation. I researched the literature and interviewed girls ages 11-16 about what kinds of information about menstruation they received and the sources...
Guest Post: Chella Quint

Guest Post: Chella Quint

This morning brings our first guest post, from our friend Chella Quint at Adventures in Menstruating. Nice guys don’t always finish last Sometimes they come in…second. Hear me out – I’ve (possibly in my sleep, which means this is one of my...
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